Sunday, January 27, 2008

Church was cancelled, so . . .

Everybody at our house was all dressed up with no place to go today. I had early meetings, so I briefly went to church. I found the largest hazard to be all the rock they put down on the roads, but it was pretty cold/frosty/snowy too. Anyway, after I got back home, hilarity soon ensued. Before long, we had glasses-trading going on between Grandma Z and little E. Whoa guys, take it easy!

So young and studious!

L recently made a cool Valentine's scrapbooky fold book thing, and it has several pictures of us together in it. This helped her realize that we need to more frequently get pictures of just us. Today was a good opportunity.

Grandma and Grandpa Z taking advantage of the photo op with the kids.

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Alyson said...

I love the pictures...the kids are growing up so fast! My mom has kept us posted on the crazy cold winter the NW has been having. Makes us glad to live in California, where we're freezing when it's 50 degrees!
Stay warm!

Laura said...

Yeah, we're trying to stay warm. We woke up to no power this morning which didn't come on until about 10:30am. The winds had picked up last night about 10pm and it rained a ton also. If the baby didn't keep me up last night, the wind and rain did. Send some warmth up here fast! I'm looking forward to spring!

geoffrey said...

it is fun that you are pregnant at the same time we are! emily has the same "tummy phobia", and we have precious few pictures of her at all!