Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Naughty Little Clicky Girl

(Regarding the above . . . I just had to play with the Photo Booth App)
So I went to the mailbox today and found these surprises.  Now, I like to get stuff from Netflix, but these were in the hard DVD cases, which means somebody at my house has been buying used DVDs.  I came in and told my wife, "Please tell me you've purchased some used movies from Netflix."  Nope, she hadn't.  Not knowing what they were for sure, and not wanting to void my chances of being able to return them, I checked my account online.  I had received Disturbia, Superbad, and Surf's Up!.  Well, 1 out of 3 ain't bad (we actually thought Surf's Up was pretty good . . . it's got Napoleon's voice, which is flippin' sweet!).  Superbad is too super-bad for my viewing pleasure . . . not too stoked on Disturbia either.
So anyway, how did this happen?  Well, Netflix has a cool thing (sort of?) where you can watch lots of movies online.  I hooked up one of our computers to a TV and E likes to watch cheesy Scooby Doo and animated Zelda episodes that way.  Evidently, she's become a little click happy, and since you have to be logged in to Netflix to use the view-on-demand, she had the ability to buy things.  I should have seen this coming . . . we already recently discovered that the Spongebob Squarepants Movie had mysteriously appeared at the top of our Queue.  
So I called Netflix about it.  I got a real person in the United States within about 5 minutes, and she was very helpful.  I told her we were cool with paying and just keeping Surf's Up (it was 6 bucks) but that I'd like to return the other 2 (unopened).  She said they'll actually just let me keep the other two, so they get credit from me for good customer service.  Not quite as good as Apple, but still I'm pleased.  Anybody want a copy of Superbad or Disturbia?
So, obviously we need to be more vigilant now that E has had some online shenanigans.  Immediately, we will turn off/unplug the monitor as the streaming cartoons are playing, but longer-term she will figure that out.  Suggestions are welcome!


Evil Witch said...

Check into HULU, it's free. The account doesn't need any funds so there's no chance of accidental purchasing.

Bri-onic Man said...

Good call. Hulu is pretty sweet and we've used that one as well. They even have "The A-Team" on there! :-)

curly girl said...

I love her new nickname! When I first read the title, I thought you were referring to L, but it's even funnier being E!