Sunday, February 3, 2008

It's Only Taken Me 32 Years to Figure Out Fasting

Above lies the most delicious sandwich in the world. I do believe my wife and I are in agreement on this matter. It's pretty darn close anyway. It's the South Shore Cheese Steak (all Hoagied up) from Surfer Sands in Long Beach, Washington. And, if you can believe it, I'm typing this entry thinking about it and the last time I had food or drink was about 23 hours ago.
I'm not usually Mr. Bri-onic fasting champion. My church is really into doing it once a month, though, and you may have seen the results of the recent study in the media. Apparently, it's good for my heart to do it. What's really interesting to me, though, on a personal level is how this fast was different from my previous one (which actually was a special fast a week ago, but that makes it even more interesting). This fast was easier, and I felt like my energy and mental status were better throughout versus a week ago.
So what changed during the week that made it easier? One big thing, I believe, is that I've gotten back to dialing my sugar way down (hey, it only took a year :-). I stepped on the scale and was 172, which matches the heaviest I've ever been. Too much "eating the Philly", I suppose . . . :-) One thing that's helped is a new tool I've been using on that allows you to track servings and calories and keeps a running total so you can see where you are throughout the day (it's especially easy on fast days) Ever notice that when you track things, they improve? It's certainly true for food and me. It really reduces my snacking if for no other reason than that it really raises the hassle of eating. Thus, I believe that fasting is substantially easier when my preceding diet is lower-calorie, healthier, and low-sugar.
My energy level and mood are a lot more steady without all those sugar highs and lows, and I find I sleep better too. This feeds a really positive feedback loop that looks something like: less sugar-->feeling better (after a little withdrawal)-->sleeping better-->easier to get up early and exercise-->feeling even better, etc. onward and upward.
So, getting back to that sandwich in the picture above, I'll point out that I really enjoyed it and we all had a good time chowing in the van in Long Beach. Unfortunately, sitting there for 20-30 minutes with the electronics, fans, and seat heaters on (and not the engine) is bad for Mr. Battery. Obviously, I'm alluding to the fact that the van wouldn't start. A quick check of the headlights outside (they were dim) told me a jump was a good idea, and the happy Surfer Sands guy was willing to pull right over. I whipped my jumper cables out of the Odyssey's handy lazy susan and we were started in no time. Then, though, we were running on fumes but didn't want to stop and turn it off to get gas. And, gas over there is like 20 cents a gallon more, to boot. So, we took our chances coming back. This got especially interesting, then, when it was snowing heavily and we had to cross the Astoria bridge. I was already a bit nervous coming up the steep span, and then we spied that a car ahead of us had stalled there. I was glad that the truck a vehicle or two in front of me stopped to assist and waved us by, because I almost didn't dare stop. Anyway, we made it to a gas station, and by this point the battery was charged enough that it started again. It's been fine ever since.

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Anonymous said...

Fasting during the Super Bowl?

Oh my...that is some dedication!

Unknown said...

Wow, now I am going to have to get me one of those sandwiches!
Glad you made it over the bridge.

curly girl said...

We must share some DNA or something (ya think?) 'cause I am the SAME way with sugar and with tracking what I eat.

I fasted today, too, but not with the dedication you did. I chowed on some serious nachos tonight! It's "nach-o cheese," man!

But, we didn't watch the Super Bowl, either. Paul taped it and watched it in minutes instead of hours. It's his special way of stickin' it to the man as he zooms through all their pricey commercials. And, it frees him up to do stuff with us, so everybody's happy!

Bri-onic Man said...

Welcome thartill (I think your bro Lane ran cross country with us at AHS . . . he was '94 and I was '93, I believe) and nootka. I noticed you're both from the Astoria area. I'm guessing you searched profiles for people from around here, but if you did something more clever, let me know. I think that's a really fun thing to do. Again, welcome aboard! And, definitely go try that sandwich (and tell the owner that the guy who's van he jump-started Saturday sent 'cha! :-)

Eric said...

Correction (said in an accusing Dwight-ish way), 32 years and 49 weeks old. I like how you put your age in 3 weeks before your b-day.

Bri-onic Man said...

Well, of course, Eric . . . everybody knows that when you turn 33 you're OLLLLLD! (not to mention bald, fat, slow, penniless, forlorn, etc.)
Sounds like Paul's got a good plan. I'm DEFINITELY that way with most sports, too. I do remember one year, though, I recorded the Super Bowl and fast-forwarded through the game to watch the commercials. Now, though, the advertisers are wise to the fact that people will go online and actually deliberately watch the commercials. I must admit, I've done some of that. The Pepsi Max ode to "Night at the Roxbury" with "What is Love?" is pretty funny and at the same time a sad commentary about our caffeine-wired society.

Anonymous said...

Hi BMan

I have searches that turn up key words in different blog posts...Astoria Oregon, Columbia River etc etc.

And when I find local ones I add them to my local blogroll... (or click my name on this post)

And each time someone on my bloglist posts an article, the title shows up on my page....surprised that you haven't noticed the traffic coming from my site yet.

Right now I have about 20 local bloggers....have a look at my site for links to them...I'm always surprised about how many bloggers are posting in Clatsop County that I have never read before (yours being one when I found it about 2 weeks ago)

Oh and Lane is actually my cousin.