Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Leadbetter Farms

One of the cool things about my job is getting to meet lots of people. And, if you help them well (in this case, removing a painful tooth with minimal discomfort), they'll help you well too. Such is the case with a man I helped dentally recently. He told me he's in the area working for Jacobsen Construction (link to their website) on a big lighthouse project north of Ocean Park. I know that Jacobsen does major projects like the Olympic stuff in Salt Lake/Park City and the underground library addition at BYU, but I had no idea they did anything residential. And this is only sort of residential. I guess it's actually going to be used for corporate retreats and stuff. Each floor will be a suite with an elevator stop, a bathroom, and so on. And, panoramic views, of course. I'd never heard of this project and had no idea anybody was doing anything this over-the-top so close to home. So, I gave him a call and he showed us around. I don't have much in the way of interior photos since it's all still just framed out in metal. Leadbetter Farms has their own blog, which we will now be following to watch the construction progress (link to that blog here).

My wife appreciated the fact that I cropped out her belly. Being due in April, she's feeling large right about now and has become determined to never get fat in the future because it's hard to get around and it weirds her out to have her belly touch her legs when she sits down.

The garage has a living area above it that's all oak and very gorgeous, according to our tour guide. We wish the caretaker would've been around so we could get in past the alarms to see it.

The kids really got a kick out of the dragon.

The treehouse is pretty serious. Unfortunately, we couldn't go up into it either because of alarms. In the past, it wasn't alarmed, but people went up and stole thousands of dollars worth of portholes. So, they had to. Still, it's pretty cool in a Swiss Family Robinson sort of way.

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Nette said...

Wow! My kids would love this!

Unknown said...

Oh. Wow. I had heard "rumors" about this place, but thank you for the peek inside!


curly girl said...

Wow. That place is flippin' sweeet! It looks like the perfect place for a Swiss Family J re-uniting sometime. Speaking of which, how much did your tour guide's tooth hurt, exactly, and what else can you get out of him?! You are pullin' in some serious hook-ups lately...almost putting Oprah to shame. I admire your skill and charm.

Thanks for sharing! I bet it's even cooler when it's warm outside! ;)

geoffrey said...

that place is fantastic! why i am i not surprised that you are so good at "working" your connections?

Island Girl Jessica said...

My brother-in-law is the care taker if you want to have a better look see I could probably look into it for ya:)

Bri-onic Man said...

Wow! I'm sure we'd really enjoy that! Thanks for the offer, and I bet I know some people who know you in real life. So don't be surprised if I'm in touch. :-)