Saturday, February 9, 2008

U2 in 3D on IMAX

The official review: 8.5/10. (9.25/10 if you're purely looking for a straight-up concert film)
It's running 94% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes (link to that here)
Highs: Super-huge IMAX screen with such clarity that I thought I should smell sweaty concertgoers, 3D that didn't make my head hurt even after 1 1/2 hours, the thrill of seeing Bono reaching out for me (OK, this was a tad creepy), virtually no one else in the theater (Tuesday at 2:45, baby!), U2 is a cool band and Bono is going to bring world peace (via his song-intermingled ramblings and his "COEXIST" headband . . . his fans among the Israelis, Palistinians, radical Islamists, etc. are sure to respond with a collective slap to their own foreheads and exclamations of "Why didn't I think of that!?! We can just COEXIST!).
Lows: U2's songs are great, but they are not that complex. That's why I'd like to see something like Rush in IMAX 3D. THEY would really work the heck out of their instruments and it would be even more amazing on the huge screen. Also, this film is really just a concert film. They vary the camera angles, but that's about it. I would've liked to have seen some intermixed footage of the band around the world, interviews, video clips, etc.
Verdict: if you like or love U2, FOR SURE GO SEE IT (this means you, Will Z. and everyone else in Utah) If you're only ok with U2, it still might be worth it to see the cool 3D effects.

Down in front! Without the glasses, everything on the screen looks fuzzy and twitchy (and FLAT!)

I tried hard to resist the temptation to pocket the glasses. Also, the temptation to not post this picture. I'm preferring to delude myself into thinking I'm not THAT fat and not THAT bald!
All-in-all, a great day to not be at work! And, I wandered into the nearby Apple store and handled the MacBook Air. That thing is awesome! Knock $500 off the price and I'm all over it . . .

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Nancy Zundel said...

Don't worry Bri, we know you aren't that fat or that bald...:)Will would love to see that, but it's actually Barry over my shoulder making me find where and when it plays here. That would be so cool to go see. Thanks for the tip!

curly girl said...

Wow, who knew you were still so cool, after all these years? Or wait, is that the band I'm referring to? Love your concert notes. You always make me smile.

About the glasses's all in the camera angle, baby. And, those glasses are so phat that I didn't even notice anything else! ;)

What I want to know is, how did you wind up that far from the office on a weekday? How dare you work anything less than five days a week?!

Bri-onic Man said...

Thanks for being so kind, guys. You're too kind, really.
Yep, I did manage to snake a day off. This was a big enough deal that we HAD to do something cool. I just changed which days I work at which office, and I think there was probably a scheduling snafu. So, I took advantage of it. May there be many more ! :-)