Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Mixed Blessing of Michelin PAX

Well, it didn't happen for 2 1/2 years . . . but today, having the run-flat Michelin PAX tires on our Odyssey paid off. And, it happened pretty much under the type of circumstance that I was concerned enough about to make me want them on the van. I was already at church, and L was bringing the kids by herself. She'd left her cell phone at home charging, of course. As she was crossing the Young's Bay Bridge she heard a hissing sound and the display in the van said she was running flat and to not exceed 50 miles-per-hour. What's cool, though, is that she didn't have to stop (it would be a bad place for that). And, she would've been mysteriously late for church, making me a bit frantic and inclined to go hunt her down. So, the system worked as promised and we're pleased with that.
Unfortunately, though, there's no place out here on the frontier that has the equipment to fix it. Thus, it's a good thing you can travel up to 125 miles with it flat, because we've gotta go to Longview, WA. Still, it'll be a jarring and patience-testing 60 mile ride at 50 miles-per-hour. I contacted Michelin about it, and if we were truly stranded in the middle of a trip or something they could send technicians out with a new wheel or something. I tried to convince them to do it for us anyway, but they said it could be a few days by the time they've dealt with others who are away from home and stuff. I guess that's a missed opportunity to win my loyalty to Michelin tires for ever and ever. Their loss. So, L gets to go to beautiful Longview. Maybe she can visit the WinCo or something. Wa-hoo!

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DMo said...

Cool tires. I've never heard of them before. Those general emergency spares only let you go 35 miles per hour...and you have to stop and put them on.

You could always upgrade to tank treads.

Bri-onic Man said...

They are pretty cool . . . except for getting them fixed out here on the coast. In Portland, New York, etc., I bet they rock.
I have seen those tank tread things that hook onto each wheel. With those, we could give the A-Team van a run for its money (especially if our van were painted black with a rising red stripe and red spoiler). Heck, maybe without the treads, we should just do that anyway. How sweet would it be to have the Odyssey A-Team Edition?