Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Little Girl: 1, Daddy: 0

Well, she found a way to win. My wife took off to a cooking class tonight (seafood), and I was left in charge of the youngsters. My daughter put up a lot of ruckus, whining, and crying. I calmly repeatedly told her she could play marbles with W, get a treat, get down, etc., after she finished her dinner. Dinner was pizza, and still all she ate was a pickle. So, then I looked over and she'd assumed this position.

Yep, she camped at the table so long she fell asleep. Thus, without eating, she got out of her chair. She'd been there for a couple hours by this point, and I put her pajamas on her, brushed her teeth (of course), said prayers, and now she's in bed. Last night she delighted us with wailing at 2:45, and considering how hungry she'll be, I'd imagine tonight will be similar. Maybe she'll give us a concert at 4:00 too . . . yay!

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Heffalump said...

She is a stubborn girl. You are going to have a fun time with her when she is a teen.

Bri-onic Man said...

Lookin' forward to it . . . I had a patient who's a mother of many kids in today and I got some advice from her. She said to not give the kids any food after 4:00. I know that would help. Also, we should be sure the kids come to the table because dinner isn't just about eating. It is also about family time. If they don't want to eat, they still have to come to the table and participate. She's wise. Our discussions would sure be better at the table if my daughter would stop screaming though . . . :-) Actually, she DID eat quite a bit for dinner today, once we let her sit where she wanted (NOT buckled into her chair, of course).

curly girl said...

Mom tells a similar story about me v.s. Gram Stewart. They were visiting us and Gram told me I couldn't get down until I ate my dinner so they cleared it, did the dishes, etc. Mom looks over and I had gotten down, just to get my blankie, and then I had curled back up in my chair. See, it's genetic.

Bri-onic Man said...

Yeah, I seem to remember that story. So I guess maybe it's bad strategy . . . you were scarred for life, right? :-)

curly girl said...

Yeah, it's probably why I'm overweight, you know, all that insisting that I couldn't get down until I ate my food. Yeah, that's what I'll blame it on...;)

Bri-onic Man said...

Sounds good to me. Once I find something to blame it on, my plan is eating out for lunch way too much when I'm at work, never getting on my bicycle again, continuing to get free fish from my neighbor (and frying it), and always eating ice cream before bed.