Saturday, August 25, 2007

Those Fish Better Be Bitin'

Heading out this morning, I got to the quaint, usually quiet, 4-way stop near my house (by the store-formerly-known-as-Corkey's) and there were lights and an officer directing traffic. Soon, I realized why. Trucks were waiting in line to put their boats in at the Hammond Mooring Basin. This line, as you can see, goes clear down to the end. Then, it goes about this far again before it gets to the boat ramp. My neighbor (who caught 3 Chinook salmon today and released them because he didn't know the season was currently allowing you to keep them . . . I guess the rules are sporadic), who just bought a bunch of fresh tuna and gave it to me, said he had to wait in line earlier but it started at the far corner. It still took an hour before he got his boat in the water. You're left to figure these people were about to wait roughly 2 hours, then. Thus, those fish better be bitin', because it's hard to think it's worth buying the boat, buying the truck, driving an hour or two, and then having to wait a couple hours to get in the water. It's a lot easier to just have a neighbor that gives you fish (like I do). I highly recommend this plan.

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Heffalump said...

We have the neighbor give us the fish too. We just had a nice Salmon at dinner tonight.
I could go for the tuna though.

Bri-onic Man said...

Yay fish neighbors!!!!!