Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Why Al Gore Hates AT&T

Many of you may have heard the saga of people receiving their first month's statement from AT&T Wireless since starting to use their iPhone. Well, I got mine today, and it's 39 PAGES! As you can see from the photo, there are a lot of pages there. My son would be keen to point out (due to his mad counting skills), however, that the image shows only 20 pages. They are double-sided! (and, I am not left-handed) The statements reach this length due to the fact that AT&T generates a line on it for each time you access the data network. For some reason, they think it's very important for me to know at exactly what time on what day I sent 48 kb across the network. It really would make no difference to ANY iPhone user, because all the eligible plans have unlimited data (for $20 less a month than what I was previously paying, by the way). Thus, I'm left to reason that AT&T must be doing this to ease the fears of a few paranoid people who listen to a lot of Rockwell and feel someone is covertly using their iPhone at 4 AM (or that the CIA is spying on their playlists . . . "Send in the paratroopers, he's subscribing to an Al-Jazeera podcast!").
For those who try to be ecologically-minded (I count myself among them, but Mr. Sans Auto has me beat hands-down), I'll point out here that I will be recycling this. And, I have signed up for paperless billing. In fact, I technically did this prior to receiving the bill after I heard it might be heading my way. Alas, I was too late. Maybe next month.

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Steve said...

I would keep the pages... and the "paper-billing" so i could see how cool i am.

Bri-onic Man said...

Yeah, man, look at all the data I can move . . . sweet . . . For what it's worth, I moved 147 MB through the AT&T Edge network from Mid-July to Mid-August.
Interestingly, I got a text message from AT&T today, saying they will no longer be itemizing the data on anybody's iPhone statement from now on. If you specifically want a paper statement with all that info, they will send it to you if you ask them to. Hmmmmmm . . . what could I do with all that free paper? If it were blank on one side it would make some cool stationery. Other ideas?

Steve said...

Well you could compose a score of music for multipul instruments based on the about of MB transfered. (the about would equal the note... in some wierd algoritghmiz equation that i would make up.)


You could be "Eco-Friendly" and recycle...lame...


Mail them to some uber liberal person and attach some hugantic essay about human and the lack of conservation...


Let your W memorize the amounts...because he has everything else memorized gosh :P

Oooo dinner


Bri-onic Man said...

That would be cool to hear the musical sound of my data. And yes, W has run out of things to memorize. I can hear the conversation now: Me: "Hey W, how many kilobites did I transfer on August 24th?" W: "Which time, Daddy, 10:35 AM or 2:13 PM?"
Good thinkin'. Must be that quality Safeway food. Mmmmmm . . . corndogs.