Saturday, August 25, 2007

Please, Try the Fish

Well, I've got a few caption options for this one. The first is above and is a throwback for all you "Happy Days" fans. The second would be, "Who's your frydaddy?" The third would be, "I am the frymaster. Soon, I will need a Thighmaster."
Our neighbors Ben and Kelly are the best. They just bought 100 pounds of fresh local tuna and passed some to us. This is in addition to helping me trap the raccoons under my house a couple months ago, loaning and giving me tools, and being available and willing to help me carry heavy objects into my house. If they don't need an emergency root canal on the weekend soon, there's no way I'll ever catch up!
Anyway, once they gave me the fish and a short "fish frying 101" (I am very much a rookie at this) course in the driveway, I ran and got some tartar sauce, washed the fish, cut it up, dried it, mixed up the batter (from a mix they gave me . . . better make that an emergency root canal AND an avulsed tooth), battered the fish, and cooked it up in Canola at 375 in my Fry Daddy. I also called my mom for some advice on how to know it's done (FYI: going by the color is the best) and I must say, this fish is super-delicious and not at all fishy. I am now less-impressed with the Bowpicker in Astoria. They still have very good tuna fish and chips, but now I actually know it's something I can do so the magic has waned.

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curly girl said...

You know, I totally hear you about losin' the love of a restaurant once you figure out how to cook like they do. Therefore, I'm not going to cook anymore!

Good job on the fish. It looks fried sufficiently to negate any health benefits you might've reaped by eating it, which is pretty much the only way to eat fish, doncha think?!

Bri-onic Man said...

Amen, Sister.

gjacobsen said...

Lookin' tasty! Might want to add some curly fries, on a grease-stained napkin, and a frosty chocolate shake...!

Now we know what to expect when we come over in a few weeks. ;<)

Heffalump said...

I think the bowpicker cooks great fish, but I have always known I could just buy the tuna and make it myself.

Bri-onic Man said...

The Bowpicker is certainly more convenient, but I do enjoy this can-do feeling (and more moolah to spend on something else).
A shake would be very delicious. My strategy is to put the fish down with a highly-acidic soda to start breaking down the fat glob. Oh, and some caffeine is nice to help combat (usually unsuccessfully) the inevitable afternoon lethargy that also results from said fat glob.